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Be A Good Neighbour - Recycling Storage Solutions Help

Bin Solutions' "Be A Good Neighbour" Campaign Wins Toronto's 2006 Clean and Beautiful City Appreciation Award!
Unique Solution for Recycling Outdoors Recognized by Toronto City Hall

Press Release
Toronto, Ontario - Sep 28, 2006 Bin Solutions is proud to announce that we have been awarded the 2006 Clean City, Beautiful City Appreciation Award for our outdoor waste and recycling storage units. The awards ceremony, held at City Hall on September 26th, was hosted by Deputy Mayor Sandra Bussin with Mayor David Miller and City Councillors in attendance.

The City's program stresses the beautification of Toronto and encourages citizens to do their part to clean up the cityscape. We, at Bin Solutions, believe that to appreciate the value of a cleaner more beautiful city you must have a contributing hand in it. Our products not only contribute to the hygiene and beautification of Toronto, they solve the problem of unsightly and offensive sanitation mess.



About Our Solution

Our stylish storage solution for household waste and recycling beautifies homes and yards. Handcrafted right here in Toronto, our high quality cedar or pine bins will stand up to Toronto’s harshest weather for many years.

The bin is designed for maximum air flow to ventilate unwanted odours. The unique bin latch keeps raccoons out of the refuse making our bins raccoon-proof--we guarantee it. This, in turn, helps to reduce the

spread of germs and bacteria for a cleaner and safer environment. In the past 1½ years, 2% of downtown Toronto homeowners have become Bin Solutions owners. As evidenced by the many calls and emails

we receive each day, ours is a product which Toronto homeowners have wanted and needed for some time,

more so since the introduction of the Green Bin Program.